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Coating technology in the field of solar photovoltaic thin film

Article source:Zhenhua vacuum

Photovoltaic cells were mainly used in space, military and other fields in the early photon – In the last 20 years, the cost of photovoltaic cells has fallen dramatically to promote the space cave jump photovoltaic in a wide range of global applications.  At the end of 2019, the total installed capacity of solar PV worldwide reached 616GW, and is expected to reach 50% of the world’s total power generation capacity by 2050.  Due to the photovoltaic semiconductor material on the absorption of light mainly occurs in a few microns to hundreds of microns thickness range and semiconductor material surface of the cell performance is very important, so that the vacuum thin film technology has a wide range of applications in the manufacture of solar electricity.

主图 9月19日替换

Industrialized photovoltaic cells fall into two main categories: crystalline silicon solar cells and thin film solar cells.  State-of-the-art crystalline silicon cell technologies include passivated emitter and backside cell (PERC) technology, heterojunction (HJT) technology, passivated emitter backside full diffusion (PERT) technology, and tunneled oxide passivated contact (Topcon) cell technology. The functions of thin films in crystalline silicon cells mainly include passivation, reflection reduction, P/N doping, and conductivity. Mainstream thin-film battery technologies include cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide, and chalcogenide. Thin films are mainly used as light absorbing layer, conductive layer, etc. in them. The preparation of thin films in photovoltaic cells is more often used in various types of vacuum coating technology.

–This article is released by vacuum coating machine manufacturer Guangdong Zhenhua

Post time: Sep-12-2023